Opaque vs Transparent Resin Dye: Which One to Choose?

If you’re new to the world of resin art, you may be wondering about the different types of resin dye available. Specifically, you may be wondering about the differences between opaque and transparent dye. Both types of dye have their own unique properties and can be used to achieve different effects in your resin art. … Read more

How Long to Leave Resin in a Vacuum Chamber: Quick and Easy Guide

When working with resin castings, it’s essential to understand the proper usage of a vacuum chamber to achieve the best results. A common question you might have is how long you should leave the resin in the vacuum chamber for optimal degassing and curing. In this article, we will provide you with guidance on this … Read more

Does Epoxy Stick to Plexiglass? Find Out Here!

If you’re working on a project that involves bonding plexiglass, you may be wondering whether epoxy resin is the right adhesive for the job. Epoxy resin is a popular adhesive for many different materials, but does it stick to plexiglass? The answer is yes, but there are some important factors to consider before using epoxy … Read more

Clean Resin Off Brushes: A Quick and Easy Guide

If you’ve ever worked with resin, you know how difficult it can be to clean off your brushes. Resin is a sticky and durable material that can quickly ruin your brushes if not cleaned properly. However, with the right techniques and tools, cleaning resin off your brushes can be a straightforward and easy process. The … Read more

Is Bendy Resin Safe? – Unraveling the Mystery

Have you ever wondered why your resin turns out bendy or flexible after curing? There could be several reasons that contribute to this issue, such as short cure time, the thickness of the poured layer, and improper measuring or mixing. Understanding the factors behind bendy resin ensures you’re able to take appropriate steps to fix … Read more

Are Resin Grinders Safe? Here’s What You Need to Know

If you’re someone who enjoys using resin grinders, you may be wondering whether or not they’re safe to use. After all, these products are designed to grind and shape resin, which can create small particles that may be harmful if inhaled or ingested. The answer to whether or not resin grinders are safe to use … Read more