Can You Put Resin Over Acrylic Paint? Tips and Tricks to Achieve a Perfect Finish

If you’re an artist or DIY enthusiast, you may have wondered if it’s possible to put resin over acrylic paint. The answer is yes, you can! Resin is a versatile material that can be used to create a glossy, durable finish over a wide range of surfaces, including acrylic paint.

When you put resin over acrylic paint, it not only hardens but also bonds to the paint. This can be helpful in a variety of situations, most commonly with wood pieces that are painted with acrylic paint and then covered in epoxy, as the two layers will stick together rather than peel away. Pouring resin over your acrylic painted canvas gives it a glossy and unique kind of look. If you add 3D objects on your canvas, it will give it a 3D type of look, which can help you create a one-of-a-kind look.

However, it’s important to note that before applying resin over acrylic paint, you need to seal the paint with a coat of varnish or Mod Podge. This will help protect the paint from scratches and ensure that your finished product looks as good as possible. Additionally, you can mix acrylic paint into resin, but the results may vary from paint to paint. The general rule is to mix wet ingredients (paints, inks) up to 10% of the volume of resin into it. Anything more makes the resin cloudy or not cure correctly. Better be safe and limit it to 5%.

Benefits of Using Acrylic Paint as a Base

If you’re looking to create a stunning resin art piece, you may be wondering what kind of paint to use as a base. While there are many options out there, acrylic paint is a great choice for several reasons. Here are some benefits of using acrylic paint as a base for your resin art:

  • Quick Drying: Acrylic paint dries quickly, which means you can move on to the next step of your resin art project sooner rather than later. This is especially helpful if you’re working on a tight deadline or just want to see your finished piece as soon as possible.
  • Water-Soluble: Acrylic paint is water-soluble, which means it’s easy to clean up with just soap and water. This is much more convenient than other types of paint that require harsh chemicals for cleanup.
  • Resists Water Damage: Once acrylic paint has dried, it’s able to resist damage from water. This is important because resin can sometimes react negatively with water, but using acrylic paint as a base can help prevent this from happening.
  • Wide Range of Colors: Acrylic paint comes in a wide range of colors, so you can easily find the perfect shade for your resin art project. Plus, you can mix different colors together to create your own unique hues.

Overall, using acrylic paint as a base for your resin art project can make the process easier, more convenient, and more enjoyable. Plus, the end result will be a beautiful piece of art that you can be proud of.

Preparing Your Acrylic Painting

Ensure Dryness

Before applying resin to your acrylic painting, it is essential to make sure that the paint is fully dry. Resin will not adhere properly to wet or damp surfaces, so it’s crucial to wait until the paint has cured completely. Depending on the thickness of your paint and the humidity and temperature of your workspace, this process can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days.

Surface Cleaning

It’s important to clean the surface of your painting before applying resin. Any dust, debris, or oils on the surface can cause the resin to adhere poorly, resulting in an uneven finish. Use a soft, lint-free cloth to wipe down the surface of your painting, and be sure to remove any visible debris or particles.

If you notice any sticky or oily areas on the surface of your painting, it’s best to clean them with a mild soap and water solution before applying resin. This will ensure that the surface is free of any contaminants that could compromise the adhesion of the resin.

Once your painting is dry and clean, you’re ready to move on to the next step: calculating how much resin you need.

Applying Resin Over Acrylic Paint

Choosing the Right Resin

When it comes to choosing the right resin for your acrylic painting, it’s important to consider a few key factors. First, make sure the resin is compatible with acrylic paint. Epoxy resin is a popular choice for this application, as it bonds well with acrylic paint and creates a durable, high-gloss finish.

Another factor to consider is the type of finish you want. Some resins, like polyester resin, have a yellowing effect over time, which can alter the appearance of your painting. If you want to avoid this, look for a clear, UV-stable resin that won’t yellow or fade over time.

Mixing and Application Tips

Once you’ve chosen the right resin for your project, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully for mixing and application. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

– Mix the resin and hardener thoroughly, but avoid over-mixing, as this can introduce air bubbles into the mixture.
– Apply the resin in thin, even coats, using a brush or roller. Don’t apply too much at once, as this can cause the resin to pool and create uneven spots.
– Be sure to work in a well-ventilated area and wear protective gloves and a mask to avoid inhaling fumes or getting resin on your skin.
– Allow each coat of resin to dry completely before applying the next one. This will help prevent cracking or bubbling in the finished product.

Overall, applying resin over acrylic paint can be a great way to protect and enhance your painting. With the right resin and careful application, you can create a beautiful, glossy finish that will last for years to come.

Curing and Drying

When it comes to adding resin over acrylic paint, it is important to ensure that the paint is completely dry and cured. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Room Temperature and Humidity

The temperature and humidity of the room where you are working can affect the drying and curing time of the paint. Ideally, you want to work in a room with a temperature between 70-75°F (21-24°C) and a humidity level of around 50%. This will help the paint dry and cure evenly.

Drying Time

The drying time of acrylic paint can vary depending on factors such as the thickness of the paint, the brand of paint, and the humidity level. Generally, acrylic paint can take anywhere from a few hours to a day or two to dry completely. It is important to wait until the paint is completely dry before applying resin. If the paint is still wet or tacky, the resin may not adhere properly, and you may end up with a cloudy or uneven finish.

It is also important to note that the curing time of resin can vary depending on the brand and type of resin you are using. Some resins may take several days to fully cure, while others may cure in just a few hours. Be sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and allow the resin to cure completely before handling or using the finished product.

Final Tips and Considerations

When to Use a Resin Topcoat

If you want to give your acrylic painting a glossy and unique look, then you can use resin to create a topcoat. A resin topcoat can also help to protect your painting from dust, scratches, and other types of damage. However, it is important to note that not all acrylic paintings need a resin topcoat. If you are happy with the finish of your painting, then you may not need to use resin at all.

Resin topcoats work particularly well with abstract paintings, as they can enhance the colors and textures of the painting. They can also be used to create a 3D effect by adding 3D objects to the painting before applying the resin.

Safety Measures

When working with resin, it is important to take safety measures to protect yourself from harm. Resin can be toxic if inhaled or ingested, so it is important to wear protective gear such as gloves, goggles, and a respirator mask when working with resin.

You should also work in a well-ventilated area and avoid inhaling the fumes from the resin. It is important to read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and follow them closely to ensure that you use the resin safely and effectively.

Finally, it is important to dispose of the resin and any materials used to apply it properly. Resin should never be poured down the drain, as it can cause blockages and other environmental problems. Instead, you should dispose of the resin and any materials used to apply it according to your local regulations.